Buffon Ready to meet England

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Before the quarter-finals for his team in Kiev, Italy captain Gianluigi Buffon UEFA.com he says what he sees of England Roy Hodgson and relays his thoughts on the death  shootout.
 Buffon expecting close encounter
 While he was preparing for Euro 2012 for his team in the quarter-final against England, and sat Italy captain Gianluigi Buffon down with UEFA.com to reveal why he thought Sunday's match will be a close run, why love death shoot and the reason is to sing the national anthem Italian with power of the sort.
UEFA.com: Six years ago I won the World Cup football. Do you have a feeling you might be on the way to another great success?
Gianluigi Buffon: It's a nice band, and we are all united for the same cause, but it is also true to say that over the past four years there was a side that is much better than the rest, this is Spain. So in my opinion they are certainly preferred. Italy, however, very difficult to overcome.
UEFA.com: You play England next. What are their strengths?
Buffon: England has always been the ability for players of great individuals. Were not been able to get anything significant in recent years, and sometimes through bad luck, has been the judge for them in the penalty shoot several times, but this year I think they have three or four world-class talent such as Terry [John] , Ashley Cole, Wayne] Rooney, [Steven] Gerrard, and we respect them a lot, and we know it will be a very tough game.
UEFA.com: What kind of game you expect against England?
Buffon: It would certainly document that the parties have characteristics very similar, and also because Italy have a habit, which is both for and against 1, that whoever we play - whether opponents we have is strong or weak - it's always competition even. If we play against the best, and we match them, but if we play against weak sides, we could not win with ease. We always have to struggle a bit, so I think that the difference between the two sides will be very, very, very subtle indeed.
UEFA.com: Why do you think that Italy has this problem?
Buffon: It's only a problem against the weaker sides, but when you play in the World Cup or the Euro, you always play the best sides, and therefore it is not a problem.
UEFA.com: in England, they're already talking about the possibility of a penalty shootout. Are you ready for that?
Buffon: When you think of a lot in the future on how the game might end, and it's not fried in this way, and usually ends sooner. But sanctions are a natural part of football, and there is a feature of the system to shoot. Sanctions to bring technology, personal and nerve in play, so it rewards those who truly deserve and have the power, to win the game.
UEFA.com: England's David Seaman NO1 was saying that he enjoyed the shoot because it was a chance for the goalkeeper to become a hero.
Buffon: It all depends on your outlook. If I were to lose on penalties and I'll be very disappointed and I feel guilty because in the end will be an opportunity wasted. But it is also true that perhaps it's only a moment in a career goalkeeper when your responsibilities are taken away from you.
UEFA.com: How England goalkeeper Joe Hart rate?
Buffon: Hart, along with the Nuer [Manuel], [Hugo] Loris and our region [Salvatore] Sirigu, no longer just a goalkeeper-ups, but is now established as one who always plays well and can be a decisive factor for his team. It's worth greetings.


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